The 环境管理制度 (EMS) is a framework that encourages the university to realize its environmental goals and continuously improve its environmental performance through consistent controls of its operations.

The expectation is that this increased control will improve the environmental performance of the university. It is a proactive approach engineered to reduce the risk of non-compliance and improve health and safety practices for employees and the public. The EMS can also help address non-regulated issues, 比如节能, and can promote stronger operational control and employee stewardship.

这个系统遵循一个重复的循环. The university first commits to an environmental policy, then uses its policy as a basis for establishing a plan, which sets objectives and targets for improving environmental performance. 下一步是实施. 在那之后, the company evaluates its environmental performance to see whether the objectives and targets are being met. If targets are not being met, corrective action is taken. The results of this evaluation are then reviewed by top management to assess whether the EMS is performing to expectations. 管理 then revisits the environmental policy and revises the plan accordingly with new targets.

The university then implements the revised plan. The cycle repeats, and continuous improvement occurs.

浏览我们的 EMS政策,请查看 EMS手册,并探索 培训要求.


St. 爱德华的 recognizes its role in educating the university community about the importance of both individual and institutional environmental responsibility. It also recognizes its responsibility in implementing initiatives towards making a more sustainable and greener campus. In accordance with our university mission statement, we encourage our campus community to “recognize their responsibility to the world community” as good stewards of resources.

这是圣. 365比分网电竞 to promote environmental responsibility as an organization, and to continually improve its environmental management practices and procedures and overall environmental stewardship. 与我们的教师合作, 教职员及学生人数, we commit to fostering sustainable practices across campus and promoting a safe and healthy environment through:

  • Educating members of our campus community of their roles and obligations in preventing negative environmental impacts, and respectfully challenging one another to make more environmentally friendly choices
  • Working collaboratively with our students, 我们的供应商, and the larger community on environmental efforts that will have a positive influence on both the local and global communities
  • Prudent stewardship of our resources and the implementation of programs intended to reduce our consumption and conserve natural resources through innovative practices and procedures
  • Continually improving the university’s environmental performance through procedures established in the university’s 环境管理制度 (EMS)
  • Complying with all applicable environmental regulations and other environmental programs to which the university subscribes
  • Preventing or minimizing damage to the environment through the implementation of effective pollution prevention programs.


The campus-wide environmental management system (EMS) includes personnel from the areas that are directly responsible for addressing issues such as waste management, energy conservation and overall environmental performance. The EMS team submits reports annually to the vice president for Academic Affairs, vice president for Financial Affairs and vice president for Student Affairs.